Drinking Alcohol, Even Moderately, Doesn’t Have Any Health Benefits, Study Finds

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For years, the idea of moderate drinking having health benefits has been widely debated. However, a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) challenges this notion. The study, one of the largest of its kind, involving 4.8 million participants, found that moderate drinking has no added health benefits and may actually increase the risk of death. This contradicts previous studies that suggested moderate alcohol consumption could provide some health benefits.

The Study’s Findings

The meta-analysis conducted by JAMA identified flaws in previous studies that supported the idea of health benefits associated with moderate drinking. The researchers concluded that even consuming low levels of alcohol, such as 25 grams per day for women and 45 grams or more per day for men, increased the risk of death instead of promoting longevity. These findings challenge the belief that moderate alcohol consumption could improve overall health and well-being.

Conflicting Messages

The inconsistent messaging surrounding the effects of alcohol can be confusing. While some articles and studies highlight potential benefits, such as protecting the heart and circulatory system or reducing the risk of certain diseases, others emphasize that no level of alcohol consumption is safe. This conflicting information adds to the confusion and leaves individuals uncertain about the actual effects of moderate drinking on their health.

The Role of Stress Reduction

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology explored the association between light-to-moderate drinking and a lower risk of heart disease. It found that low alcohol consumption was linked to reduced stress signaling in the amygdala, a brain region involved in our stress response. However, the study’s purpose was not to encourage drinking but to understand the mechanism behind these associations and find alternative interventions without the negative effects of alcohol. The study also highlighted that any amount of drinking increased the risk of cancer, and higher levels of consumption led to increased heart attack risk and decreased brain activity.

The Takeaway

Based on the recent JAMA study, it’s clear that no amount of alcohol can increase life expectancy or reduce the risk of disease. Even the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend abstaining from alcohol or drinking in limited amounts to minimize associated health risks. It’s essential to recognize that alcohol consumption is a personal choice, and moderation is always the best approach. While the study challenges the idea of health benefits from moderate drinking, it’s important to enjoy alcohol responsibly, understanding that it is an indulgence without genuine health perks.


The recent study published in JAMA challenges the belief that moderate drinking has health benefits. It emphasizes that even low levels of alcohol consumption can increase the risk of death. Conflicting messages surrounding alcohol and health add to the confusion, but the scientific evidence supports moderation as the best course of action. Understanding the limitations of alcohol’s impact on health allows individuals to make informed choices and enjoy alcohol responsibly, without relying on false health claims. Ultimately, prioritizing overall well-being and adopting stress-reduction strategies can contribute to better health outcomes, independent of alcohol consumption.

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